High-Q / Low ESR Capacitors
High-Q/Low ESR - C/P Series
Traditional High-Q Low ESR Multi-layer Ceramic capacitors for UHF/Microwave RF Power Amplifiers, Mixers, Oscillators, Filter Networks, Low Noise Amplifiers, Timing Circuits and Delay Lines. These capacitors are available in two dielectrics: the C-Series (NP0) and P-Series (P90); and available in Magnetic or Non-Magnetic terminations. These capacitors are designed and manufactured to meet the requirements for MIL-PRF-55681 and MIL-PRF-123.
High-Q (>10,000) Capacitors
TC = 0±30 PPM/°C (NP0); +90±20 PPM/°C (P90)

TC = 0±30 PPM/°C (NP0)
EIA High-Q (Ultra Low ESR) - N Series
Low ESR/ESL EIA capacitor series – these multi-layer ceramic capacitors have been developed for High-Q and Microwave applications, where the need for Low Noise, High Self-Resonance, and High Working Voltage are required. They exhibit ultra-stable performance over temperature and are fully RoHS compliant.
EIA High-Q Capacitors (Ultra Low ESR)
TC = 0±30 PPM/°C (NP0)

Low ESR By-Pass - X Series
The X Series X7R dielectric capacitors offer a higher capacitance compared to the C, P, and N series capacitors. They offer High-Q, High Power, Low ESR/ESL (Equivalent Series Resistance/Equivalent Series Inductance), Low Noise, High Self-Resonance, and a very stable performance.
Low ESR By-Pass Capacitors

Modelithics 90-Day Free Trial CAD Models
Passive Plus, a Modelithics® Vendor Partner (MVP), is now offering design engineers a Free 90-Day Trial license for the Modelithics Passive Plus Component Library. This will provide Passive Plus customers access to extremely accurate scalable simulation models for Passive Plus capacitors with advanced features that enable a more precise and rapid design process.