Thhe design files are located under design_files/ for the TinyCircuits ASM2101 Rev 4 PCB. This is a Tiny processor board (Circular 14mm diameter) that uses the same microcontroller (Atmel Atmega328P) as the Arduino LilyPad.
Format is in Cadsoft Eagle format - Eagle version 6.2 was used for the original design.
For more infomation on this, check out the product page at
Design by TinyCircuits. All design files are released under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 License, see the following link for details:
All text above must be included in any redistribution or derived design
This project uses designs and concepts developed as part of the Arduino project and the LilyPad project. The TinyCircuits design files themselves (schematics, PCB and libraries) are not directly derived from these works' design files and have been created new, however the concepts and basic architecture behind the TinyDuino and TinyLily products are derived and we thank the hard work of the organizations below for their contributions to open-source hardware:
Original Arduino Uno Design by Team Arduino
LilyPad Arduino Design by Leah Buechley and Sparkfun Electronics
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